Welcome to the Gunnery Sergeant Organization!

  Smiley face

  Here We Do Our Part to manage a "groundswell"-regulated "militia"!

  Choose your "target" and Smiley face away:

Every enlisted member who owns a gun specifies a mnemonic 'handle'. (what is this?) Shortly after enlistment he or she is assigned a 'Gunnery Sergeant'. That person also has a unique handle within the region where the gun owner lives.

After reading the second amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms", we decided to take a stab at establishing a "a groundswell regulated militia organization!"

Our vision is simple: create a groundswell of public opinion to promote sane, common sense militia regulations (with benefits to gun owners and no infringement of KABA Rights). (what are these rights?)

Currently in "beta" mode, when completed, this web site is to provide these features:

The names of gun owners as well as Gunnery Sergeants are held in confidence and kept private from casual public browsing.

a 'guest' browser user can play an important role to help establish this groundswell movement. Folks who observe any gun owners (friends or even strangers) should simply ask them one question: "Who is your Gunnery Sergeant and what is your handle?"

A properly enlisted member will always be found (again, we repeat no private information is shown). To verify (or find) your friend's enlistment status simply specify the two answers to the above question here:

Gun Owner's Handle:
Gunnery Sergeant's Handle:

Report for Duty (Sign In ...). Guess what? Our development staff is AWOL! No seriously we're eagerly anticipating providing the ability for enlisted members to report in (on occasion) and adjust their profile and/or perform other tasks! Please be patient... (Brave souls are permitted to proceed. Observe that many functions are incomplete.)


Choose an enlistment type:

  Enlist as a Member!